First Time?
My name is Josh! You can call me Joosh. You may also know me by the name Joshodude.
This site is where I come to express myself through design and writing. Explore, grab my button, and leave a comment!
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Latest Entries
BLU-SWING 10th Anniversary Best
Stumbled upon this album and wanted to share it
Valentines Day!
My excuse to buy Nadali a flower vase
New homepage layout! is not dead!
New Glasses!
(And the rest of my Ray-Ban collection)
Busted Ankle
Story about a stupid gym injury that shouldn't have happened
Polar Express
The Polar Express (2004) is my favorite Christmas movie
3D Feed Box
Yes I added more unnecessary 3D CSS
Terraria with Nadali!
Right into the ring of fire with master mode
PC Upgrades
New CPU after four years!
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Page Info!
Created: x/x/xxxx
Updated: x/x/xxxx