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Welcome to my journal!! RSS
I write about anything here. What interests me, what I've been up to, music I've been listening to, things that have been annoying me, the list goes on and on.
BLU-SWING 10th Anniversary Best
Stumbled upon this album and wanted to share it
Valentines Day!
My excuse to buy Nadali a flower vase
New homepage layout! is not dead!
New Glasses!
(And the rest of my Ray-Ban collection)
Busted Ankle
Story about a stupid gym injury that shouldn't have happened
Polar Express
The Polar Express (2004) is my favorite Christmas movie
3D Feed Box
Yes I added more unnecessary 3D CSS
Terraria with Nadali!
Right into the ring of fire with master mode
PC Upgrades
New CPU after four years!
Modern Day Music Theft
I tried VR
I was not built for this.
I went on a date yesterday!!!
Work Today
What I'm doing at work today
Today's Music 2
Two Months of Plasma
Airpods Max in 2024
Are the Airpods Max worth it in 2024? I bought some to use at work. Read my thoughts!
Miata Pt. 4
Listen to what new surprises this wonderful car has in store for me!
Cars and Ducks
What's Up 2
I've had this website for four months now!
The Best Nekoweb Site
Have you ever wondered what the best nekoweb site is? You can now know based on my flawed numbers!!
Gym "Bro"
There's gym bros and there is gym "bros"
Out West
This past weekend, my girlfriends family invited me to out out west with them. Saturday morning, we all hopped in their Nissan Frontier at 9 AM and headed out!
3rd Coast
Another song I recently rediscovered!
What's Up
People Watching
Put me in a public place with other people and I can't help myself from staring right at faces until it's awkward.
I went to college.. for two semesters. Listen to me analyize why I didn't like it!
It's only 86 degrees out but I feel like I'm cooking
Just one more run
Being Sick
The gallery is (mostly) complete!
Cars & Luck
Read about why the gallery and toolbox are still incomplete!
New Blender
Circle Wrench
Ever wonder what a wrench would look like for a circular nut? Now you can know!
Work Clothes
My plasma manifesto