Valentines Day! -
Well, it's Valentines day! I've mostly been sitting at home watching Vinny Vinesauce play Hello Kitty Island Adventure. I did my usual Friday morning chores, and just kinda vegged out. My Fridays are never usually my favorites. I tend to lay around in and out of sleep just waiting for Nadali to get off work.
Today before making lunch, I decided to venture out. Leaving the house.. on a Friday.. the sun.. it burns.. this fresh air.. my lungs sting.. I got in my truck and headed out to the grocery store. Now what did I need at the grocery store you ask? Starbucks. I wanted to get one of their medicine ball drinks because my throat has been feeling a little funky (plus I just think its a half decent tea mix).
I got Nadali flowers last week, but I decided to go to the flower section again and check out their Valentines collection. I've always been a huge fan of the flowers here. They always look pretty, they don't look fake, and they are a good price. Yes, there are some dedicated floral shops in my town, but you won't catch me shopping there. I don't really want to buy a crazy $100+ super-ultra-deluxe boquet.
Nadali doesn't have any good vases. I like to surprise her with flowers every month or so and she usually sticks them in old jars. Well.. I want to get her a vase, it's Valentines day, I can use getting more flowers as an excuse to get a vase, AND I can visit her at work to surprise her?? Sounds perfect to me! I asked a lady at the till if they can cut the flowers to put them in a vase for me, they said yes (for like some 1.3% labor fee charge like okay guys you literally just cut some stems down), so I had them do that. The fee didn't bug me because it's not always about the money. Sometimes you should just do things for your partner just because you love them.
I found a vase that was very nice. It's taller and skinner, and it was also the only one of the style. I think it looks perfect. It doesnt have a wide mouth so the flowers don't flare out all over the place. I got everything together and headed out! I held the flowers in my hand the entire time so the prettieness was not compromised and also so the water didn't spill in my new truck.
I got to Nadali's work, banged on her door to freak her out (you're welcome, I love you), and did another successful flower surprise! It's always so much fun to visit her work. I get to see her, my day becomes infintely less boring, and I get to give her big SMOOCHES. She was looking super cute today in a pink sweatshirt. We hung out for a little bit before I decided to leave. Lots of hugs and lots of kisses later, I was back at home. Back to being lazy and watching more Brainyot baby game Hello Kitty Island Adventure.
Later tonight we plan on going to a boba shop we like and also making some chocolate covered strawberries. I don't really care what we do to be honest, just let me hold your hand!!
Entry about the new truck soon.