
Being Sick -

I've been sick since Sunday. I always hate getting sick because it's not a one day thing for me. I never have that one day where I'm so sick I have to call in to work for a sick day. I'm usually fine enough to do all my usual things, but not fine enough to do the things I love.

My sicknesses usually last a week. A week of suffering. Come on, LET ME GO TO THE GYM NORMALLY ALREADY!!! I went Sunday for legs, but man I couldn't do much. I haven't gone back since then. I don't push myself so I get better sooner, but then it's always a week of moping around.

Additional stuff!!

I got a new domain name. It was kinda expensive, but I'll probably keep it for a couple years. I also went to the orthodontist today. My permanent retainer came off of one of my lower central incisors, so I wanted to have that re-glued. I'm kind of a teeth freak and take very good care of my teeth. I'd probably go into the the dental world if I never had to deal with gross people's teeth and if I were a people person. OH the jobs I could go into if I enjoyed working with random strangers. It's more that I have a hard time understanding people if they don't speak loud and don't speak perfectly clear English.