guest book!!
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my homie!!
If you wanna visit Austin's page.
Created by rice:
Creted by oikmo:

I <3 miku!!

This page??
I learned how to do HTML and CSS like five years ago and haven't touched it in about three. This is me clobbering together a website for fun.
The background was made by me, I hope you like it!! There's different ones to check out all across my website!
I was originally only supposed to work on this site at the same time as Austin, but I ended up foregoing that rule. Call me a cheater, I know.
About me!!
I'm a 20 year old guy who sometimes does cool things.
Playing guitar is something I do when I have a little free time. I'm not good nor can I play much, but it gets my music side working.
I used to be a drummer but getting drums takes up so much space. I'm also very picky with my cymbals.

Sometimes I code this website. Very rarely.
I like to go outside too!! There's a lot of pictures I took while outdoors on my gallery! Check it out here!!
I love to work out at the gym. I go six days a week!
I love a lot of jazz and jrock. Bossa nova and classic funk are some of my other favorite genres. These are in no particular order.
There's a lot, I know!!!! It's just really hard to select a certain few. Hover over the album cover to see the song I like the most!!!
The hover tooltip is organized (from top to bottom) artist, album, song title!!!
jpop & jrock
bossa nova
I work as a CNC programmer and machinist! Put very simply, I turn big pieces of metal into smaller but more precise pieces of metal. Sometimes as precise as 0.0001 inches!
The left image is from the software I use to program the machines, you can view it as a simulation!! The green is basically the leftover material that hasnt been cut.
The right image is the same part but finished! It was made out of an aluminum block. Think of it like the opposite of 3d printing: instead of adding material to make a finished part,I subtract the material.
I have the most amazing girlfriend ever and she looks at my website sometimes. This is just in case she comes here so she can know how much I love her!!!!
Reasons shes so awesome:
- She plays Minecraft with me
- She watches anime and Seinfeld with me
- She hikes with me
- She even comes to the gym with me
You can't beat that.

You are Apple OS9. You have been pretty much supplanted by your new sister, but you're still around to help her out, and those who know you remember you fondly. You hate Windows with a burning passion.
You are cornflowerblue #6495ED
Your dominant hues are cyan and blue. You like people and enjoy making friends. You're conservative and like to make sure things make sense before you step into them, especially in relationships. You are curious but respected for your opinions by people who you sometimes wouldn't even suspect.
Your saturation level is medium - You're not the most decisive go-getter, but you can get a job done when it's required of you. You probably don't think the world can change for you and don't want to spend too much effort trying to force it.
Your outlook on life is bright. You see good things in situations where others may not be able to, and it frustrates you to see them get down on everything.
The HTML color quiz
Page credits
- Austin for helping me remember a lot of CSS and making some javascript for me too. Also for making Magilist.js.
- meowballz for the flower watercolors!!
- Lots of design inspiration from melankorin. I promise im really trying to not copy your site 1:1.
- Max for the page stats code.
- W3schools for the tabs code.
- Mars for the secret link idea.
- SkyJacc for YAY.MP4.
- Mitsukiyo for the music on the gallery.
- EarthBound for the gallery sound effects.
- vanilla-tilt.js on locations.
- Rice for my new button!!